Friday, February 1, 2013

Go Red for Women- Ourselves!

When we originally posted the Anatomical Heart Necklace last year, we emphasized the symptoms that women have, in contrast to men, when experiencing a heart attack. Garnet told the story of her mother, Nancy Lee in a previous blog post. We spoke about heart disease as the #1 killer of women, and that women should educate themselves.

This year, as we started the design and marketing for the Heart Nouveau Necklace and linking to all the "Go Red For Women" and American Heart Association's recommended Life Simple 7 information, I started thinking.  If we were going to be talking about education and healthy lifestyles, we really needed to be practicing what we preached!

The Heart Nouveau Necklace, with benefits going to American Heart Association

Garnet and I are both fairly healthy women.  If we are together for business for a few days, we stock up on salad fixings, nuts, fruit, and maybe some wine. Ok, and some dark chocolate.  Even while travelling, we try to hold out for healthy options.  We hunt down the nearest Arby's for their Market Fresh sandwiches, and a Panda Express is our mecca for their steamed veggies.   We both jog, at our very different paces, and try to work that in to an insane travel schedule.

Road trip to Austin, TX for the Renegade Craft Fair.  Peanut Butter Puffin cereal, banana chips and Omega-3 Trail Mix are perfect color match with Scarlett Garnet Jewelry, and the healthy road trip snack while assembling jewelry from the passenger seat. 

As entrepreneurs, we feel the pressure to be working all the time.  There is always more jewelry to assemble, stones to wrap, emails to write, social media to update, writing to tweak, photos to edit, planning to do, supplies to order, show applications to complete….and on.  While we don't have children or a traditional 9-5 job, we do have this one big baby that has two websites and an Etsy store and is all over social media and around town.  I know I often have the bizarre day dream that I could get caught up if I just didn't sleep for the next week, but obviously that is not realistic, or heart healthy.  

We have decided to take this opportunity to share with our fans how we try to follow Life's Simple 7. We aren't perfect or experts.  We don't have the kitchens of Rachel Ray or the self control of saints.  I've totally devoured an entire bag of kettle corn in one sitting and I've accepted that.  We don't have the time management skills of that "Getting Things Done" David Allen dude, but we squeeze in what we can of Life's Simple 7 into our everyday routines.  Hopefully, by sharing, we can help some other women make the commitment to their own heart health..

american heart association

American Heart Association describes Life's Simple 7 here:
Get Active
Control Cholesterol
Eat Better
Manage Blood Pressure
Lose Weight
Reduce Blood Sugar
Stop Smoking

Please stay tuned and comment your own suggestions or ways that you've committed to your heart health.  We ladies need to help educate and encourage each other.  So lets do this! 

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