Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ric Rac Roundup

Scarlett Garnet has sold at Bon Bon Atelier since it's grand opening a few years ago. We're simply huge fans of Emily and Betsy, KC's super sister team, and love the amazing boutique they've created. Seriously one of our all time favorites, even sized up to the one's we've seen in LA, Chicago and other major cities. Nice work, ladies, always keeping it fresh and ahead of the rest. So imagine if the super sisters were to put on a craft show, you might get something truly awesome like the Ric Rac Roundup. Held at Californo's for the holiday shop, the summer Ric Rac Roundup was held outdoors in the Bon Bon Atelier parking lot. Scarlett Garnet has done both so far and plan to sign on bi-annually from now on. Thanks, ladies, for providing yet another awesome outlet for crafters. DIYers and artisans alike in the KC area.

1 comment:

emmy-ray said...

So much fun, can't wait for this summer's next one!